Locations Providing
Pediatric Dermatology
Pediatric Dermatology

We understand how skin conditions can affect a child's confidence and development, which is why we are committed to dermatology care specifically for children, from infants to teens. We offer comprehensive services for issues that arise in childhood, like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rarer conditions.

Every child is unique, which is why we foster a kind, secure environment and take a personalized approach to evaluating and treating skin diseases in children. We carefully consider the best treatments based on factors like age, comfort level, and individual needs. We believe it is never too early to start skin cancer prevention in children with regular skin checks and sunscreen use.

Our Services

We offer education and medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology services for children's skin, hair, and nail conditions, including:

  • Acne (acne vulgaris): A common skin condition stemming from clogged skin pores that results in blackheads, whiteheads, and other pimples.
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis): A chronic condition that causes itchy, dry, and swollen skin.
  • Moles​ (nevi): A common skin growth that presents as dark or pigmented spots on the body and can be benign or cancerous.
  • Molluscum Contagiosum: An infection that results in small, spreadable sores on the body.
  • Psoriasis: A chronic condition that leads to dry, scaly patches of swollen skin on the body, most often the scalp.
  • Rashes: Acute itchy, red, and often painful patches of skin with many causes, including allergies, bacteria, viruses, and chronic conditions.
  • Warts: Small, grainy, benign skin growths.
  • Skin Allergies (allergic contact dermatitis): Hives or rashes in response to an allergen that the skin is hypersensitive to.
  • And much more...

Penetrates no deeper than the thickness of skin.

Removes skin cancer without needles, sutures, or scalpels.

Eliminates basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas with low energy radiation.

You don’t have to slow down. You can resume your activities immediately with no lifestyle restrictions following treatment.

Scarring is minimal, healing time is fast, and risk of infection and recurring lesions is very low.

How it works
SRT takes place in an outpatient setting over an average course of 15 short, pain-free sessions.
1. What to expect overall

The most involved aspect of SRT is the number of visits. You can expect to attend a total of 14 -15 treatment sessions, two per week, depending on your treatment plan. There is no pain, needles, anesthetics, or recovery downtime. 

1. What to expect overall

The most involved aspect of SRT is the number of visits. You can expect to attend a total of 14 -15 treatment sessions, two per week, depending on your treatment plan. There is no pain, needles, anesthetics, or recovery downtime.

2. What to expect each visit

Your initial visit is spent with a physician and specialist to configure your treatment plan. From there, visits consist of quick, routine treatments that take 90 seconds to deliver. Our clinicians will monitor the cancer site to ensure your comfort and treatment progress.

3. What to expect post-treatment

Minimal wound care is needed. You may notice redness and “protective scabbing” but can expect to resume normal activity after each treatment. Upon completing your treatment plan, you will have a 6-week follow-up appointment with a physician to confirm you’re healing well.

SRT: Before and After
Non-melanoma skin cancers are no match for SRT, but don't just take our word for it. Here are a few examples of patients who completed superficial radiation therapy with stunning results.
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