Locations Providing
Mohs Micrographic Surgery
Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Mohs Micrographic Surgery is the most precise and modern treatment for skin cancer available, boasting high cancer cure rates up to 99%. This technique is reserved for cancers that are aggressive, recurrent, and located in sensitive areas. Mohs surgery allows our surgeon to work carefully and spare the maximum amount of cancer-free tissue possible, preserving both its function and appearance. ​

How is Mohs surgery performed?

Mohs takes place in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. The entire procedure takes three hours on average but may be longer or shorter depending on the depth, location, and complexity of your cancer. First, the cancer lesion's margins are marked, the site is numbed, and our surgeon removes thin, sequential layers of skin. Our Mohs histotechnicians then process these layers onto glass slides, where they are carefully examined by our Mohs surgeon under a microscope. If cancer cells remain, our surgeon will remove another precise layer, repeating this process until your entire cancer is removed at the time of surgery. Some cancers are superficial and only require a few thin layers. Other cancers are deeper and may require removing additional layers.

Will I need reconstructive surgery?

Many Mohs surgery cases only require simple closures with minimal scarring. Other more complex cases may leave a larger defect that requires a skin graft (transplanting a piece of skin from one area to another) or a local flap (using skin from a nearby area) to close the defect and restore the look and feel of the skin. Our surgeon and team of advanced practitioners are well trained to perform simple and complex closures like these.

In the event more advanced reconstructive surgery is needed, our Mohs surgeon often performs it directly after they have removed the skin cancer, or they coordinate reconstructive work with our facial plastic surgeon to achieve the best result possible. Because Mohs spares the maximum amount of healthy tissue, our reconstructions are achieved with fewer complications and less pronounced scarring than traditional skin cancer surgery techniques, especially for delicate and visible areas like the nose, eyes, and ears. ​

What does aftercare look like?

After your wound is dressed, our team will send you home with detailed care instructions, which may involve ointments, medication, or specific care guidelines to mitigate your risk of infection, complications, and improper healing.

Penetrates no deeper than the thickness of skin.

Removes skin cancer without needles, sutures, or scalpels.

Eliminates basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas with low energy radiation.

You don’t have to slow down. You can resume your activities immediately with no lifestyle restrictions following treatment.

Scarring is minimal, healing time is fast, and risk of infection and recurring lesions is very low.

How it works
SRT takes place in an outpatient setting over an average course of 15 short, pain-free sessions.
1. What to expect overall

The most involved aspect of SRT is the number of visits. You can expect to attend a total of 14 -15 treatment sessions, two per week, depending on your treatment plan. There is no pain, needles, anesthetics, or recovery downtime. 

1. What to expect overall

The most involved aspect of SRT is the number of visits. You can expect to attend a total of 14 -15 treatment sessions, two per week, depending on your treatment plan. There is no pain, needles, anesthetics, or recovery downtime.

2. What to expect each visit

Your initial visit is spent with a physician and specialist to configure your treatment plan. From there, visits consist of quick, routine treatments that take 90 seconds to deliver. Our clinicians will monitor the cancer site to ensure your comfort and treatment progress.

3. What to expect post-treatment

Minimal wound care is needed. You may notice redness and “protective scabbing” but can expect to resume normal activity after each treatment. Upon completing your treatment plan, you will have a 6-week follow-up appointment with a physician to confirm you’re healing well.

SRT: Before and After
Non-melanoma skin cancers are no match for SRT, but don't just take our word for it. Here are a few examples of patients who completed superficial radiation therapy with stunning results.
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